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본 연구는 한국복지패널자료를 활용하여 자아존중감과 2015년에 개편한 국민기초생활보장제도의 맞춤형 급여수준에 대한 주관적 평가를 독립변수로 선정하여 수급자의 생활만족도에 미치는 영향력을 검증하였다. 분석결과, 국민기초생활보장수급자의 생활만족도와 자아존중감은 비수급자에 비해 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 국민기초생활보장 급여수준평가는 통합급여일 때보다 맞춤형 급여로 개편된 이후가 더 높았으며, 맞춤형 급여 중에서는 의료급여수준에 대한 평가가 가장 높게 나타났고, 다음으로 주거급여수준평가, 생계급여수준평가 순으로 나타났다. 국민기초생활보장 수급자들의 생활만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인을 살펴보면, 자아존중감이 높을수록, 생계급여수준과 의료급여수준에 대한 평가가 각각 높을수록 생활만족도가 높아지는 것으로 나타났다.이러한 분석결과를 토대로, 상대적으로 더 많은 문제와 욕구를 가지고 있는 국민기초생활보장 수급자들의 생활만족도를 높일 수 있는 방안을 모색하였다.

This study analyzed the factors which affects the life-satisfaction of the beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Security, with reference to the Korean Welfare Panel Data. Especially, it verified the influence by selecting the following as independent variables; self-esteem and the subjective assessment on the customized benefit level of the National Basic Livelihood Security reformed in 2015. According to the results, the life-satisfaction level and the self-esteem of the beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Security were found to be lower than non-beneficiaries. In the assessment of the extent of the benefits from the National Basic Livelihood Security, the customized benefit reformed in 2015 was higher than the integrated benefit. Among the customized benefit, the medical benefit was the highest of all. The housing benefit was the second highest. Finally, the livelihood benefit was the lowest. Upon examining the factors which affects life-satisfaction of the beneficiaries of the National Basic Livelihood Security, it was proved that the higher self-esteem they have and the more satisfied with living and medical benefits they are, their degree of life-satisfaction becomes higher. On the basis of analysis results, this study is to devise the measures aiming to ameliorate the life-satisfaction level of the beneficiaries, who relatively have more problems and desires.