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Ever since 1992, when Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation (TWRF) was commissioned by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs to identify the former victims of sexual slavery from the island, the staff and volunteers of the foundation have been instrumental in caring and providing wellness workshops for this group of elderly women who suffered tremendous physical and psychological traumas. To document the life narratives and celebrate the spirit of perseverance of former Taiwanese “comfort women,” or amas in the Taiwanese dialect, TWRF also produced two documentary films, A secret buried for fifty years: Taiwanese comfort women [Yang, C. Y. (Director). (1998). A secret buried for fifty years: Taiwanese comfort women [A Ma De Mi Mi]. Taipei: Taipei Women's Rescue Foundation.] and Song of the reed [Wu, H. C. (Director). (2015). Song of the reed [Lu Wei Zhi Ge]. Taipei: Taipei Women’s Rescue Foundation]. This paper examines the various efforts of TWRF to empower and care for the grandmothers and analyze Song of the reed, in which the final five group workshops and activities of 2011 and 2012 are recorded.

台灣的婦女救援基金會自 1992 年受到外交部委託尋找島上前性奴役受害者以來,基金會的工作人員和志願者一直為這群身心遭受巨大創傷的年長婦女提供各種照護和身心健康工作坊。為了記錄前台籍「慰安婦」或是阿嬤們的生命敘事,並且頌揚她們堅忍的精神,婦女救援基金會更監製了兩部紀錄片,一部是⟪阿媽的秘密⟫(楊家雲執導,1998年,⟪阿媽的秘密⟫,台北:婦女救援基金會),另一部是⟪蘆葦之歌⟫(吳秀菁執導,2015年,⟪蘆葦之歌⟫,台北:婦女救援基金會)。本文檢視婦女救援基金會為阿嬤賦權以及照護她們所做的努力,並且分析以影像記錄 2011 年和 2012 年最後五個工作坊活動的⟪蘆葦之歌⟫。