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The purpose of this study is to observe the accessibility of Japanese literature through media language during liberal arts courses and to set future teaching methods. The college Japanese literature course that utilizes video media uniquely approaches various Japanese literature. When carrying out both literature courses and video courses side by side, modern students who are more familiar with video media rather than text media can easily approach and understand the literature pieces. Watching related videos can also increase students’ interest toward literature by introducing them to the fun parts of literature. As can also be seen through the survey, there is a high interest in Japanese literature, but realistically, not much opportunities to access it, and many people refrain from reading Japanese literature because they think it is too difficult and boring. Of course, there are also linguistic difficulties. To solve this problem, we propose a Japanese literature education model that uses videos in college liberal arts courses. Eventually, literature education is in a complementary relationship with video media. Through video media comparison based on inter-reading, literature can complement the lacking imagination of videos while videos can solve the esotericism of literature. This type of acceptance of literature is a method based on inter-reading between literature and videos, which should be more activated in literature education.