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본 연구는 ‘신문 광고 거래(집행) 방식’ 및 ‘광고가 신문 보도 내용에 미치는 영향(요인)’에 관한 광고주와 신문사 광고 담당자 간의 인식차를 밝히고, 이러한 거래 방식 및 요인들과 ‘신문 광고 산업전망’ 간의 상호 관계성을 검증하여 바람직한 신문 광고 거래 방식을 제시하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 이를 위해 신문 광고 산업의 문제점과 발전 방안(미래 방향성 요인)에 대한 선행 연구를 바탕으로‘신문 광고 거래 방식’을 ‘전통적(관행적) 거래 방식’과 ‘개선된(객관적) 거래 방식’으로 분류, ‘광고의 신문 보도 영향(요인)’ 및 ‘신문 광고 산업의 전망’과 함께 4개 변인들의 상관관계와 두 집단 광고 담당자 간의 인식차를 비교·검증하였다. 분석 결과, ‘전통적 신문 광고 거래 방식’과 ‘광고의 신문 보도 영향’ 변인 간, 그리고 ‘개선된 신문광고 거래 방식’과 ‘신문 광고 산업의 (긍정적) 전망’ 변인 간에는 통계적으로 유의미한 정적인(+) 상관관계가 나타났다. 아울러, 두 집단 간의 이들 변인 간의 관계성도 동일한 방향으로 나타나 인식을 같이하는 것으로 확인되었다. 그러나 ‘개선된 광고 거래 방식’과 ‘광고의 신문 보도 영향’ 간, ‘광고의 신문 보도 영향’과 ‘신문 광고 산업 전망’ 간에는 통계적으로 무의미하지만, 무시할 정도의 부적인(-) 상관관계를 보였다. 다음으로, 상호 지향성 모델(co-orientation model)을 적용, 두집단 간의 인식 차이는 ‘전통적 거래 방식’ 및 ‘개선된 거래 방식’에 대해서는 통계적으로 유의미한 차이가 없어 생각이 일치하였으나, ‘광고의 신문 보도 영향’ 및 ‘신문 광고 산업 전망’에는 유의미한 차이를 보여 서로 생각을 달리하고 있었다. 본 연구의 의미는 보다 나은 ‘신문 광고 산업의 미래’를 위한 신문 매체 신뢰성 및 가치 확보를 위해서는 ‘개선된(객관적) 신문 광고 거래 방식’으로의 전환과 매체 영향력 저하 및 가치 하락을 초래하는 ‘광고의 신문 보도 영향(요인)’을 근절하기 위한 ‘전통적(관행적) 신문 광고 거래 방식’의 개선이 필요하다는 데 두 집단의 인식 공감대를 확인했다는 것에 있다.

This study was aimed at analyzing the correlation between the factors affecting ‘newspaper advertisement transaction modes and advertisement contents, in reference to the preceding studies, and examining the mutual relationships between these variables and ‘prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry,’ while comparing the perception between advertisers and newspaper staff to suggest a desirable newspaper advertisement method, and thereby, enhancing the relationship between advertisers and newspaper staff or the mutual relationship between them as well as their mutual trust. To this end, this study reviewed preceding studies about the problems and reforms (future development) of the newspaper advertisements and thereupon, divided ‘the newspaper advertisement transaction modes’ into ‘traditional (conventional) newspaper transaction method’ and objective (improved) one, and thereby, compared the perception between the two groups about ‘the factors of the advertisement affecting the newspaper reports’ and ‘the prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry.’ In order to compare the cognitive gap between two groups, a co-orientation model was applied whereby one group walked in the other group’s shoes. Thus, ‘objective agreement’ and ‘accuracy I & II’ were analyzed in terms of mutual perception. Furthermore, in order to analyze the relationship among the variables and the cognitive gap between the two groups, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficients were used for correlation analysis, while T-test was applied for the independent samples. As a result of the analysis, statistically significant positive correlations were confirmed between the ‘traditional (conventional) newspaper advertisement transaction mode’ and ‘the variables of advertisement affecting the newspaper reports,’ and between the ‘objective (improved) newspaper advertisement transaction mode’ and ‘prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry.’ However, negative but insignificant correlation was found between ‘objective (improved) newspaper advertisement mode’ and ‘effects of the advertisement on the newspaper reports.’ Furthermore, there was found no cognitive gap between ‘advertisers’ and ‘newspaper staff’ as far as such correlations were concerned. However, there was found significant but negligible positive correlation between ‘the traditional (conventional) transaction mode’ and variables of ‘prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry,’ and there was found insignificant but negligible negative correlation between ‘effects of advertisement on newspaper reports’ and ‘prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry.’ Furthermore, there was found a cognitive gap between the two groups in terms of the above correlations. Next, ‘the co-orientation model’ was applied to comparatively analyze the objective agreement and accuracy I & II of the perception for the 4 variables. As a result, there was found no significant difference between the two groups in terms of ‘objective (improved) newspaper advertisement transaction mode; the objective agreement and accuracy I & II were found higher. On the other hand, in terms of the variable ‘traditional (conventional) newspaper advertisement transaction mode,’ objective agreement and accuracy II, there was found no significant cognitive gap between the two groups, but in terms of accuracy I, there was found significant cognitive gap between the two groups. Besides, there was found significant cognitive gap between the two groups in terms of ‘effects of advertisement on newspaper reports’ and ‘prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry’; objective agreement and accuracy I & II were lower. The results of this study suggest that because ‘the traditional (conventional) newspaper advertisement transaction mode’ affects the newspaper reports positively, the current inefficient ‘traditional (conventional) newspaper advertisement transaction mode’ should be reformed to prevent ‘the association between editing and advertising.’ Moreover, in order to improve ‘the prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry,’ both groups agreed to ‘an objective (improved) newspaper advertisement transaction mode. On the other hand, as the two groups have the same perception of ‘the objective (improved) newspaper advertisement transaction mode,’ a consensus about ‘the prospect of the newspaper advertisement industry’ would be likely to be formed between the two groups.