초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this study is to explore the necessity and importance of mounting safety information cards on aircraft cabin seats for vulnerable road users and to provide safer air travel for all passengers on board aircraft including vulnerable road users. To achieve this goal, we are developing an aircraft safety information card for child passengers. To do this, we surveyed parents who had experience with boarding an child together with an child. The contents of the questionnaire are the supply requirement, content development method, type, color, font etc. of the safety information card. According to the results of the analysis, there was a difference in the perception of safety information card according to the parents' age. The domestic major airlines, low-cost airlines and foreign airlines were in the supply requirement. The preference of picture book was the highest as the type of safety information card for safety instructions for child. The contents development method and the font size used were different according to age. The yellow color was the highest in all ages. For characters, Pororo, the representative character of Korea, is the highest in all ages.