초록 열기/닫기 버튼

본고에서는 영조어제 현황과 봉모당의 소장양상을 고찰하였다. 영조어제는 문집, 열성어제, 간본(刊本), 첩본(帖本) 등 4가지 형태로 이루어져 있다. 문집을 시기별로 구분하면, 『어제』상(1714~1747년 11월), 『영종대왕어제속편』(1758. 6 ~ 1761. 6), 『영종대왕어제』(1761. 8~1763. 7), 『어제』하(1763. 8~1764. 7), 『집경당편집(集慶堂編輯)』(1764.11~ 1767. 9), 『속집경당편집』(1768~1770. 8). 『영종대왕어제습유(英宗大王御製拾遺)』(1725~1776) 등이며, 이들은 정조대 건립된 봉모당에 보관되었으며, 철종대 이건된 봉모당에서 『집경당편집』만 후고에 보관되고 다른 어제들은 봉모당에 그대로 보관되었다. 『열성어제』의 영조어제는 선왕(先王)인 숙종보다 많은 작품을 남길 수 없다는 이유로 1714년부터 1758년까지의 어제만 편찬하였고, 이를 영조 사후에 간행하였다. 이 역시 철종대에는 후고에 보관되었다. 영조어제첩본은 『봉모당봉안어서총목(奉謨堂奉安御書總目)』에 의하면 1741년부터 1776년까지의 어제로 이루어져 있으나 1770년 이후의 작품이 대부분이다. 봉모당에는 26개 함에 보관되어 온 것으로 여겨진다. 영조어제간본은 『봉모당봉장서목(奉謨堂奉藏書目)』에 의하면 1741년 <어제대훈(御製大訓)> 간행 이후 1776년까지 수시로 간행되었다. 역시 봉모당에 2개의 함에 보관되어 왔다. 현재 영조어제는 대부분 한국학중앙연구원 장서각에 소장되어 있으며, 영조의 문집, 영조어제첩 등은 [영조·장조문집(英祖莊祖文集)], [영조문집보유(英祖文集補遺)], [영조어제해제(英祖御製解題)] 등으로 한국학중앙연구원에서 출판하였고, 영조어제간본, 열성어제 등은 [영조어제훈서(英祖御製訓書)], [열성어제] 등으로 서울대학교 규장각에서 출판한 바 있다.

This paper presents an investigation into the current state of King Yeongjo's creations and Bongmodang's possession patterns of them. His creations consist of four types, which are his collections of works, Yeolseong creations, Gan versions and Cheop versions. His collections of works were divided by the period, and they were "Eoje" Sang(1714 ~ November, 1747), "Yeongjongdaewangeojesokpyeon"(June, 1758 ~ June, 1761), "Yeongjongdaewangeoje"(August, 1761 ~ July, 1763), "Eoje" Ha(August, 1763 ~ July, 1764), "Jipgyeongdangpyeonjip"(November, 1764 ~ September, 1767), "Sokjipgyeongdangpyeonjip"(1768 ~ August, 1770), and "Yeongjongdaewangeojeseupyu"(1725 ~ 1776). They were housed at Bongmodang that was built during the reign of King Jeongjo. Only "Jipgyeongdangpyeonjip" was transferred to the Hugo of Bongmodang built during the reign of King Cheoljong with the remaining creations preserved at the original one. In "Yeolseongeoje," King Yeongjo's creations only between 1714 and 1758 were published because he believed it would be wrong to publish more works than his predecessor King Sukjong. They were published after his death and housed at Hugo during the reign of King Cheoljong. According to "Bongmodangbonganeoseochongmok," the Cheop versions of his creations included the ones created between 1741 and 1776 with most of them created after 1770. They were kept in 26 boxes at Bongmodang. According to "Bongmodangbongjangseomok," the Gan versions of his creations were frequently published from 1741 when "Eojedaehun" was published to 1776. They were kept in two boxes also at Bongmodang. Today most of King Yeongjo's creations are housed at Jangseogak of the Academy of Korean Studies. His personal collections of works and Eoje Cheops were published into "Collections of King Yeongjo's and King Jeongjo's Works," "Boyu of King Yeongjo's Collection of Works" and "Haeje of King Yeongjo's Creations" by the Academy of Korean Studies. The Gan versions of his creations and Yeolseong Eojes were published into "Hunseo of King Yeongjo's Creations" and "Yelseongeoje" by Gyujanggak at Seoul National University.