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This study aims at figuring out changes in Sino-barbarianism (華夷論, The theory that distinguishes China and Barbarian) through analyzing the changes in recognition of the Yuan Dynasty in the Early Joseon Dynasty. After foundation of Joseon, intellectuals still maintained Sino-barbarianism of the late Goryeo dynasty that focused on the situation and the culture. King Sejong(世宗, 1418-1450) emphasized Yonghabyeoni(用夏變夷) characteristics of former foreign dynasties to establish position of Joseon second to China. Therefore the Yuan dynasty could maintain legitimacy during the reign of King Sejong. During the reign of King Sejo(世祖, 1455-1468), race-oriented Sino-barbarianism was magnified based on intensified study of Zhu Xi(朱熹, 1130-1200) and Master Hu’s tradition of the Spring and Autumn Annals(春秋胡氏傳). Therefore race-oriented Sino-barbarianism and former Sino-barbarianism existed together during the reign of King Sejo. During the reign of King Seongjong(成宗, 1469-1494), race-oriented Sino- barbarianism was streng Confucian scholars led by Kim Jong-jik(金宗直, 1431-1492) despised the Yuan Dynasty as a foreign dynasty and denied its legitimacy with calling it barbarian Yuan(胡元). Therefore the changes in recognition of the Yuan dynasty in the Early Joseon dynasty shows how ideological trends of the late Goryeo dynasty were changing in Joseon.