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This article compared and analyzed the general title or Sanguan(散官, prestige title) appointed for Baekje or other surrounding countries by Chinese southern dynasties, Northern Qi(北齊) and Sui(隋). Furthermoret, a appointer’s perception reflected in Ningdongdajiangjun(寧東大將軍, general title) and Dongqingzhoucishi(東靑州刺史, province governor) which are representative appointment titles, and the status of Baekje in the international order of East Asia were examined. A summary is as follows. In Chinese southern dynasties of 6th century, the number of appointment of surrounding countries decreased and hierarchizing between political organizations by the graded appointment of the general title diminished. As a result, the political use of the appointment title also decreased than the former period. Especially, appointment of western political organizations by Chinese dynasties and the political use of the appointment title decreased due to the depreciation in strategic value of western area because of Western Wei(西魏) and Northern Zhou(北周)‘s territory expansion. There was a small change in Baekje’s general title which had been practically fixed as Zhendongdajiangjun(鎭東大將軍, general title) during the 5th century. It was the degradation to Suidongjiangjun(綏東將軍, general title) in 524, and this appeared when Chinese southern dynasties appointed the lower general title than former period to surrounding countries. In the 6th century, Baekje was temporarily superior to Goguryeo on the general title unlike the 5th century when Baekje was inferior to Goguryeo throughout that century. It was the result of interaction of depreciating strategic value of Goguryeo and rising expectations for Baekje. In Northern Qi and Sui of 6th century, the number of appointment of surrounding countries were remarkably less than that of Chinese southern dynasties, and hierarchizing between political organizations by the graded appointment of the general title almost disappeared. This phenomenon means that the political use of the appointment title has disappeared. It was possible because Northern Qi was actually able to make appointment for only eastern political organizations due to the geographic situation surrounded by Northern Zhou(北周), Turk(突厥) and so on, and Sui could control surrounding countries not by the appointment but by the political power since Sui was closer to a unified empire from the establishment stage. The later half of the 6th century, when Northern Qi and Sui made appointment for surrounding countries, is inappropriate to compare the status in the international order between the Three kingdoms of ancient Korea(三國) by analyzing the general title or Sanguan appointed by Chinese dynasties. Ningdongdajiangjun which was appointed to King Muryeong(武寧王) was higher in rank than Ningdongjiangjun(寧東將軍, general title) appointed to king of Goguryeo in the same period. However, the reversal of the title disappeared by the appointment of King Seong(聖王) as Suidongjiangjun, which was lower in rank than Ningdongjiangjun. Dongqingzhoucishi was considered as the appointment title, as well as Dududongqingzhouzhugunshi (都督東靑州諸軍事, area commander-in-chief), which includes expectations of Northern Qi for the military support from Baekje. It is assumed that the appointment was made for Baekje because Northern Qi was not satisfied with the military support from Goguryeo and Silla which was accompanied by the appointment. The reason why Northern Qi had higher expectations in Baekje than Goguryeo and Silla is that they shared the same interests and needed each other.