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Virtually every Christian higher education institution (CHEI) uses the term “integration of faith and learning” (IFL) to describe a core aspect of its mission. The term, however, often remains elusive and constituents of a given institution have difficulty in grasping what is meant by IFL. Thus, what usually happens is that faculty members will try their own versions of IFL in their respective classrooms and often fall short of bringing about IFL in its fullness. To avoid such mishaps, IFL must first be clearly defined within a CHEI and its constituents should be well versed in the definition. This paper first briefly surveys the use of the term “integration of faith and learning” in recent decades to introduce the reader to the history of the term. Then, the paper proceeds to offer a working definition of IFL by gleaning insights from diverse sources. Lastly, the paper unpacks the working definition as means to suggest how IFL may be properly understood in the context of Christian higher education.