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조선 건국 이후 수도 한양에서는 일시에 많은 건설 공역이 행해졌다. 태조대에는 종묘, 사직, 궁궐, 관청, 성곽, 도로 등의 핵심시설을 갖추는 데 주력했고, 태종대에는 창덕궁, 문묘, 경회루, 행랑 등을 건설함으로써 기존 시설을 확장하였다. 개천도 준설하여 범람을 예방하기도 했다. 또한 인구 유입이 늘어나면서 수많은 민가 가옥이 건설되었고, 도로도 정비되었다. 이와 같은 건설 공역에는 전례 없는 막대한 인력과 물자가 요구될 수밖에 없었다. 우선 공역을 총괄하는 도감 제조는 주로 공신 관료였지만, 되도록 공역 기술과 관련된 지식을 보유한 사람들로 임명되었다. 그리고 감역관은 상부 명령을 실제 현장에서 수행하는 역할을 했고, 그들의 관리, 감독을 받으며 각종 장인을 비롯한 정부, 승려, 군사 등으로 구성된 역도들이 공역을 수행하였다. 공역은 백성의 노동력에 절대적으로 의존할 수밖에 없었는데, 조정에서는 나름대로 백성의 부담을 최소화 하는 방법을 모색하였다. 처음 징발 단계에서 각 도별 토지의 대소, 인구의 다소를 기준으로 균등하게 배분하려고 했다. 또한 공사의 세부 절차에 따라 터를 닦고 기와를 굽는 등의 특정한 단계가 끝나면, 무더위 등을 고려하여 백성들을 내보냈다가 다시 필요에 따라서 불러 모았다. 경복궁 건설에서는 인력을 교대로 사역하면서 노동의 피로를 덜게 하고, 백성은 잠시 돌아가서 농사짓는 시기를 놓치지 않게 했다. 물자의 수급도 막대했다. 가장 쓰임이 많았던 재목은 강원도, 교주도, 충청도 등 한양에서 가까운 곳에서 공급되었다. 각 도에서는 상시적인 공납 외에 별도의 공납까지 부담해야 해서 종종 상소하여 부담을 줄여줄 것을 요청하기도 했지만, 큰 규모의 공역이 이어졌던 상황에서 공납의 규모를 축소하는 것은 사실 불가능에 가까웠다. 별도로 식재를 권장하면서 수요를 대비하는 조처가 행해졌다. 기와의 경우는 태종대 장랑의 건설과 민가에 기와를 얹는 것 때문에 수요가 급증하면서 별요가 설치되었다. 별요는 상대적으로 싼 가격에 기와를 공급함으로써 도성 내 민가 가옥을 기와집으로 바꾸는 데 기여하였다. 이외에도 토석, 갈대, 금속, 도료, 기계 등의 물자가 요구되었는데, 그 역시 대부분 공물로 거두고 백성을 동원해 옮겨왔다.

Since the establishment of Joseon Dynasty, in its capital, Hanyang, lots of constructions had been made at the same time. In King Taejo’s time, core facilities such as Jongmyo, Sajik, palaces, governmental offices, walls, and roads were intensively built, and in King Taejong’s time, the exiting facilities were expanded by constructing Changdukgung Palace, Confucian Shrine, Gyeonghoeroo, and front wings of houses. Streams were dredged for preventing flood. In addition, incoming population had been increased, many civilian houses were constructed and roads were paved. That is, within about 30 years after the establishment of Joseon, the capital Hanyang was equipped with facilities including palaces, Jongmyo, and governmental offices, and organized walls and roads. In such constructions with large scale, huge human labor and goods were required. Sung Seok-rin insisted the half of construction was done when people, craftsmen and construction tools were collected. It implies the importance of compulsory labor. This study aims at explaining the process to form early capital Hanyang in the time of establishment of Joseon dynasty through methods of human labor mobilization and supply and demand of goods. Dogam jeo, managing construction, was appointed from decorated officials with knowledge about construction technologies, And inspectors played the role to perform commands from top in the actual field. Under their management and directorship, workers consisting of various craftsmen, ordinary people, Buddhist monks and military forces worked for constructions. Construction had to be absolutely dependent on people’s labor. In particular, for preparing goods such as timber, cutting, transporting, and finishing it required huge human labor. In deep mountainous area in Gangwondo, timber had to be transported to riverside, and then it was delivered by raft after waiting for water quantity after raining. For cutting and transporting timber only, tremendous labor was required. The government tried to seek how to minimize people’s burden. At first, in the stage of requisition, the government tried to distribute the payment based on lands and populations in each province. Also, after specific processes such as foundation work and manufacturing roof tiles according to detailed process, considering weather conditions including heat wave, people were released and summoned if necessary. In construction of Gyeongbokgung Palace, labor management was done by alternating units to reduce stress from labor, and to allow people to return for their own farming work. Supply and demand of goods was enormous, and the most used one was timber. Timber was supplied from neighboring areas of Hanyang, such as Gangwondo, Gyojudo, and Chungcheongdo, and each province had to offer not only regular payment but also additional one, and sometimes requested to reduce the burden through submission to King. In case of roof tile, because of construction of street-side architecture and civilian use for house, the supply was dramatically increased and additional kiln for roof rile was made. In addition, goods such as earth and stone, reed, metal, pigments, tools and so on were demanded. Most of them were also provided in form of payment and transported by using people’s compulsory labor.