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In recent years, Korean scholarship in medieval Chinese history has produced abundant scholarly achievement. The research trends of our academia can be largely summarized into two major fields in the last two years. First, it is notable that various historical materials including the ancient documents and monuments are actively explored and deeply analyzed. Among them, there is a remarkable increase in research on the whole 'document administration system' including document writing style, contents, and transmission process. The use of inscription materials has also increased. Especially, through the analysis of tombstones, the academia could possibly develop a new research theme or do more in-depth analysis to the topics covered so far. The second is the change of research area. While the study of socio-economic history has decreased, the interest of researchers on various topics of social and cultural history that includes religion, ritual, city and daily life history is increasing. Some scholars have pioneered new areas of research by transforming diverse analytical work into a study of women and daily life history from a traditional legal approach.