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This paper explores the models of cognitive poetics for literary translation criticism—foregrounding, mental spaces, and perspective of cognitive grammar—and tries criticizing the English translations of two poems by Yi Sang on the basis of these models. Foregrounding and mental spaces are based on interpreting and evaluating ‘Flowering Tree’ and ‘A Flower-Tree’; all the three models on criticizing two versions of ‘Mirror’. These criticisms show that foregrounding is a useful framework for highlighting the form of poem translation, mental spaces for making its contents or meanings more visible and perspective for making its viewpoint and order of presentation more prominent. Therefore, three frameworks are demonstrated to be valuable for more logical objective of literary translation criticism, since they provide critics with insight and frameworks which help them to interpret and evaluate the differences between the texts.

This paper explores the models of cognitive poetics for literary translation criticism—foregrounding, mental spaces, and perspective of cognitive grammar—and tries criticizing the English translations of two poems by Yi Sang on the basis of these models. Foregrounding and mental spaces are based on interpreting and evaluating ‘Flowering Tree’ and ‘A Flower-Tree’; all the three models on criticizing two versions of ‘Mirror’. These criticisms show that foregrounding is a useful framework for highlighting the form of poem translation, mental spaces for making its contents or meanings more visible and perspective for making its viewpoint and order of presentation more prominent. Therefore, three frameworks are demonstrated to be valuable for more logical objective of literary translation criticism, since they provide critics with insight and frameworks which help them to interpret and evaluate the differences between the texts