초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The purpose of this paper is to consider Korean style English from a perspective of positive and active use of English, and to examine how it affects the language production both orally and literally. As a theoretical framework, Kachuru (1982) was taken to explain the Korean style English and its acceptance. As working hypotheses. Two surveys were conducted regarding the World English and Konglish. The survey result ensures the position of English as a lingua franca and the use of Konglish can be rendered as a new variety emerging from the expanding circle of English. The spoken form of Konglish is acceptable only when the message is comprehensible and compensated with extra-linguistic elements such as paralinguistics. The written form of Konglish, mainly translation, needs more strategic communicative competence to be converged on the readership as in House (2001), because the main target is international consumption relating to the national image or economic values. Consequently the translator’s facilitating role between two languages is required to perform the target communicative purpose instead of its static equivalency.