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본 연구는 한글본 가상존호책문(加上尊號冊文)의 제작 배경을 이해하고, 그 형태적 특징과 내용을 분석함으로써 한글 책문의 성격과 용도를 파악하고자 하였다. 현전하는 한글본 가상존호책문은 총4건으로, 1866년(고종 3) 2월 10일에 국왕 고종이 대왕대비 신정왕후·왕대비 효정왕후·대비 철인왕후를 위하여 각각 존호를 올린 책문 3건, 1890년(고종 27) 2월 11일에 왕세자가 왕비 민씨(명성황후)를 위하여 존호를 올린 책문이 있다. 일반적으로 한글 책문은 국왕 및 비빈에게 올리는 내입건(內入件), 낭독을 담당하는 여관을 위한 이습건(肄習件), 여성 집사의 소지건(所持件)으로 구분 제작되었는데, 가상존호 책문은 모두 비빈에게 올리는 내입건에 해당된다.

This research attempts to identify the characteristics and usages of Hangeul‒written investiture letters that confer additional posthumous titles on the royalty of the Joseon Dynasty by examining their production background, physical features and contents. There are a total of four extant Hangeul investiture letters that confer ancillary posthumous titles on particular individuals of the Joseon Dynasty. Three of them record King Gojong's conferral of additional posthumous titles on Great Royal Dowager Queen Shinjeong, Queen Dowager Hyojeong, and Queen Mother Cheolin on February 10, 1866. The other letter, written by the crown prince on February 11, 1890, confers a posthumous title on his mother, Queen Myeongseong. In general, investiture letters were produced in Hangeul for three purposes: as court documents presented to the king, the queen, and royal consorts for their approval; as practice materials by which a designated court matron rehearsed reading the contents of funerary rituals; and as preservation materials for the court matron. All existing Hangeul investiture letters that confer additional posthumous titles are court documents presented to queens.