초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In this article, we study Korean hashtags which express emotions among the hashtags that facilitate searching and sorting of SNS posts. In this study, we use Plutchik's Wheel of Emotion which was developed by the American psychologist Dr. Robert Plutchik (1980) to restructure with Korean language. Netizens use the tag "#" in the SNS post as a mean of expressing various expressions and emotions. Korean emotions expression is composed of various consonant and vowel combinations to express the same emotional expression in different ways. It is also a reason why it is difficult to mine Korean natural language due to abbreviated expressions, words used on the Internet and in chatroom. In this study, we propose an algorithm for extracting metadata from the same emotional word used by netizens and generalizing emotional words. Using 150,000 emotional hashtags, we divided them into seven emotional sets and shared generalized results with 104 emotional words.Especially, each 40,000 hashtags were generalized to emotion words with 18 "angry" and 26 "happy" emotion words. We hope that the generalization process includes necessary algorithms and will be useful in the study of Korean natural language processing.