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Margin or marginality is usually referred to and considered as conditions of disadvantage and exclusion. In fact margin is a spatial term in reference to an edge or border. Jefferson, a fictional space by William Faulkner, is literally the margin which is deep and remote area without a geographical advantage or centeredness in Mississippi in the South of America. In this marginal county characters in the novel of Light in August were marginalized by the white male racists and supremacists. Joe Christmas was persecuted due to his vague identity and his blackness. Joanna Burden was treated as an unfaithful woman to break the Southern code as a white lady owing to the engagement with a nigger. Gail Hightower was ostracized and bullied by the white extremists due to a rumor with a negro woman. But in the end we can come to know that margin or marginality symbolizes variousness, interracial variety, integrity conveying the positiveness and optimism to the future society of the South in America.