초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The pedagogical purpose of the dictionary is to make it easier for the learner to code or decode, to interpret or elaborate texts in a language different from their own. Likewise, the main function of the dictionary is to provide concise information to the user so that he / she obtains precise knowledge that helps him / her to initiate an communication act. With respect to its informative function, the bilingual dictionary focuses more on the translation of lexical units. In this work, we have begun, first of all, to investigate the meaning given to some easily confused words like huelga, paro; legal, legalidad, legítimo, legitimidad; querella, denuncia; acusar, imputar in a dictionary called Diccionario del español usual en México. Later, we have tried to define these words based on their uses in the field of Mexican Law. As a third step we have observed his translations into Korean in an online dictionary called Spanish-Korean online Dictionary Naver and then searched and / or revised their equivalents in the Korean Legal System. Finally, we have made some comments or suggestions carefully if, in our opinion, it was necessary to make some modifications or additions to those dictionary entries.