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The purpose of this study is to re-conceptualize Korean educational contents based on “critical discourse analysis”, and to make a way to construct an integrated unit of the <Language and Media>. To re-conceptualize Korean educational contents based on critical discourse analysis, this study defines a relativity between critical discourse analysis and Korean education. Critical discourse analysis is a mechanism for securing the “domains integration of the critical acceptance” which is the core thesis of Korean education. So domains integrated contents of the critical acceptance are explored by three elements of critical discourse analysis, “text, discourse practice, sociocultural practice”. As a result, the integrated contents of Korean education based on critical discourse analysis could be set through these three categories, “Inquiring grammatical features constructing meanings of a text”, “Acknowledging text acceptance’s characteristic with intentions of a text producer”, and “Understanding sociocultural contexts mutual building up a text”. On a basis of these arguments, this study constructs an integrated unit of the <Language and Media> applied by critical discourse analysis. First of all, it is revealed that critical discourse analysis and the <Language and Media> share the similar academic character. Especially the fact that a study of critical discourse analysis are accrued from the mass media materials could make the unit construction of the <Language and Media> possible. This study suggests those way on a theme of “critical acceptance of news comments” following by the requirement of the unit construction. Concretely the teaching-learning contents which could do critical acceptance of the public consciousness focusing on the integration of grammar and figuring out the intentions of the comments.