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이 글은 1920년대 전반기 상해에서 활동하던 대표적 독립운동가 박은식의 언론활동 가운데 특히 『道路月刊』 잡지에의 참여를 밝히고 6편의 논설을 발굴하여 그 내용을 집중 소개하였다. 이를 통해서 1920년대 전반기 한국임시정부의 최대 활동 목표였던 ‘중한호조’가 박은식의 경우에 어떻게 이루어졌던가를 확인할 수 있었다. 당시 박은식은, 국민당 지도자 가운데 한 명인 吳山(Wu Shan)이 주도해서 만든 한중협력단체인 ‘中韓互助社’의 활동을 통하여 吳山을 알게 된 다음, 마침 오산이 주도하고 있던 사회단체인 중화전국도로건설협회의 기관잡지 『道路月刊』의 명예논설위원으로 참여하였고 여러 편의 논설문을 기고하였다. 도로협회라는 사회단체에 대한 지지와 참여라는 박은식의 이러한 활동은, 오사운동 이후 새롭게 나타나고 있던 이른바 ‘민중의 등장’, ‘국민의 등장’과 그 맥락을 같이 하는 것으로 그의 진보적 면모를 유감없이 드러내주고 있다.

The article mainly explains how Park Eun-sik, who was based in Shanghai as one of the representative figures of Korean independence movement in the early 1920s, contributed to the magazine called “The Road Monthly(道路月刊)” as a part of his public media activities. In addition to that, the article is the result author’s rediscovery of six opinion articles, which Park Eun-sik wrote in the magazine, and the article introduces the contents of the opinion articles. By following Park Eun-sik’s activities, the article aims to understand how the Movement of Mutual Aid between China and Korea, the most important action agenda of Korean Provisional Government in the early 1920, was performed by Park Eun-sik. At the time, Park Eun-sik became acquainted with Wu Shan(吳山), one of the leaders of Guomindang party, as Park Eun-sik participated in ‘the Group for the Movement of Mutual Aid between China and Korea’, the association which Wu Shan created. Subsequently, Park Eun-sik took the position of the Honor Editorialist of “The Road Montly”, the organ of the Association for the Good Roads Movement of China, which Wu Shan had led, and has contributed many opinion articles to “The Road Monthly”. Park Eun-Sik’s support of and participation in the Association clearly represent his progressive aspects, as his activities are in line with the ‘Appearance of the Mass’ and ‘the Appearance of the Citizen’, which were the new phenomena that have arisen after the May Fourth Movement.