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이 논문은 한국사회의 새로운 공동체 형성을 위한 문학적 질문으로, 다문화시대의 문학담론과 그 형상화 문제를 논의의 중심으로 이끌어내고자 했다. 다문화문학은 한국문학의 새로운 방향성을 제시하므로 그 필요성과 가능성이 점차 부각되고 있다. 연구범위로는 국내로 한정하여 한국에 거주하는 외국인 이주노동자와 결혼이주여성의 경우로 나누어 문학작품 속에 드러나는 (한국적) 다문화양상과 그 형상화를 구체적으로 살펴보고자 했다. 텍스트로는 시와 소설로 제한하였는데, 아동문학(청소년문학 포함)이나 기타 장르는 일정부분 다문화사회에 대한 문제들을 적시하고 있어서 이번 논의에서는 제외했다. 문학의 주류인 시와 소설에서 시인들(하종오, 윤제림, 문성해 등)과 작가들(김재영, 손홍규, 방현석 등)이 작품을 통해 드러내고자하는 다문화양상과 문학적 형상화의 방식은 아직은 적대감을 표출하는 경우가 대부분이다. 현재 한국문학은 이주노동자의 실태와 다문화가정의 경제적, 사회적, 문화적 고통을 부각시키면서 이질성에 대한 차별과 적대감을 주로 폭로하는 방식을 문학작품을 통해 구현해내고 있다.

The 2000's witnessed a variety of different facets in Koran society, one of which contains the change to a multi-cultural society. International marriages and rapid industrialization brought with them a growing influx of workers from overseas into Korea beginning the 1990's. Now the number of foreigners that reside in Korea has reached 1.5 million to such a degree that Korean society could virtually mark the beginning of a multi-cultural age. Subsequently, this led to literature reflecting multi-cultural society emerging from the 2000's. The purpose of this treatise is to shed a light on the meaning of multi-cultural literature as a literary question for a new community in Korea, and to examine minutely how literary discourse on multi-culture has shaped literary works. Especially, migrant workers and foreign women married to Koreans will be separately treated, and how their lives melted into literary works will be dealt with. Unlike Ha Jong-ho, a Korean poet, who portrays many aspects of multi-cultural society from various angles, many other poets deal in fragments with stories about migrant workers, and foreign women married to Koreans and their children. In contrast, a genre of a novel, which inherently has direct motives and denouement due to narrative properties, has the advantage of criticizing the problems and aspects of multi-cultural society in a more concrete way. Accordingly, such novelists as Kim Jae-young, Son Hong-gyu, and Bang Hyeon-seok, pose the problems of multi-cultural society by depicting the lives of social minorities to the smallest detail, who are living as outsiders in Korea However, Korean poets and novelists are prone to lay stress on hostility rather than on solidarity. Most of the writers expose discrimination and enmity against migrant workers and multi-cultural families by embossing their economic, social, and cultural distress.