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Tour Dure is defined as a community business related with tourism and operated by participants directly. Its main goal is to vitalize local economy through tourism. Since 2013, Tour Dure has been operated successfully; however, it is time to check out what constraint exists in the field. The study aimed to find out what constraints affect Tour Dure and analyze it by Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) even if there were few previous literatures. The samples included 72 respondents, experiencing participants in Tour Dure in Incheon. The survey was conducted from 5 to 17 December in 2017 and testified 5 constraint factors such as operation method, conflict, local economy, operation support and information service. The study concluded that local economy and operation method located in Ⅱ face were to be improved preferentially. Also, information service in Ⅲ was important because Tour Dure is a national business supported by the Government. As a result, Tour Dure is perceived as an important tourism policy to promote local economy development involved with local residents