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Continuously we are making a journey of life, being surrounded with various landscapes. We experience not only the landscape in our daily lives but also the landscape depicted in painting, photograph and novel. There are some peculiar freshness and novelty in natural landscape, not existing in the arts. The given nature could become a landscape as a form of art by our spiritual activity. When the nature is grasped through contemplation as cosmic world in good order, the beauty of landscape is come into being. The landscape is represented in the mutual relation between man and nature. The westerners pursued the landscape at the place beyond the real life, but the easterners grasped landscape in natural scene represented in real life. Both of them are common in aiming the ideal of human life in natural landscapes. The beauty of landscape is accomplished in the contemplation of nature, and needs our immersion and devotion to nature. The constituent conditions of landscape are broad outlook, actuality, continuous openness, and substantial space. The landscape is present in the relation of nature and culture, and it can be divided into natural landscape and cultural landscape. The plants play an important role in the former, and the buildings in the latter. The image of landscape is combined firmly with the specific place and time and the characteristics of objects. The landscape is rooted in the place, and then it is called environmental landscape. The beauty of landscape is excavated by aesthetic relevance. It is realized in chance meeting. The fortuity, chance luck and instantaneousness are important, as we know in the case of changeable weather. Whenever we are surrounded by landscape, we are full of mood. The root landscape is united with the existential mood. Man perceives ultimately the nature, which can be called being or cosmos, in natural landscape, and the life in cultural landscape. The landscape is waiting to be discovered by us.