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이 글은 문헌사와 고고학의 相補的 硏究를 활성화하자는 취지에서 작성되었다. 이를 위해 三韓 國邑 및 三國 초기 都城과 관련한 최근 연구성과를 검토했다. 최근 연구성과에 따르면, 청동기시대 중후기 聚落의 위계구조는 3단계로 분화했고, 聚落群의 結集도 이루어졌다고 한다. 聚落群의 結集體는 三韓의 邑落에 비견되는데, 삼한 소국은 이러한 聚落群의 結集體를 바탕으로 출현했을 것으로 파악된다. 풍납토성의 환호취락과 춘천 우두동 유적은 삼한 소국의 國邑, 하남 미사리 유적은 읍락의 중심촌으로 추정된다. 그런데 미사리 유적에서도 우두동 유적의 정치적 중심지와 유사한 方形環濠와 각종 시설이 확인되었다. 이는 삼한 소국의 국읍이 읍락 중심촌[邑]의 양적 집적을 통해 성립했고, 양자의 경관이 명확히 구별되지 않았을 가능성을 시사한다. 이에 『三國志』 찬자는 三韓 國邑과 邑落 중심촌을 모두 ‘邑’으로 표기했다. 반면 3세기 중반경 고구려나 부여의 정치적 중심지에는 宮室, 宗廟에 준하는 祭儀施設, 창고와 감옥 등이 존재했다. 이에 『三國志』 찬자는 고구려와 부여의 정치적 중심지를 중국왕조의 都城에 비견해 ‘都’라고 표기했다. 三國 초기 도성은 三韓의 國邑과 명확히 구별되는 정치적 경관을 갖추었다는 점에서 삼한 국읍의 양적 집적이 아니라, 질적 전환을 통해 성립했을 것으로 파악된다. 실제 3세기 중반경 부여나 고구려는 삼한 소국과 명확히 구별되는 국가체제를 정비했고, 이를 바탕으로 도성의 경관을 갖춘 것으로 파악된다. 최근 연구성과에 따르면 백제도 4세기 전반에 영역을 확장하며 수취체계를 정비했는데, 이를 바탕으로 풍납토성을 거대한 토축성벽으로 개축해 도성의 경관을 갖추었다고 파악된다. 신라도 원삼국시대 말기부터 기존의읍락집단과 구별되는 지배세력이 출현했고, 이들에 의해 斯盧國의 國邑이 新羅 都城으로전환했을 것으로 추정된다. 이처럼 삼한 소국의 국읍이 읍락 중심촌의 양적 집적을 통해 형성된 반면, 삼국 초기 도성은 질적 전환을 수반하며 성립했다고 파악된다. 이러한 점에 유의하면서 삼한 국읍이나삼국 초기 도성과 관련한 문헌사료나 고고자료를 다각도로 분석한다면, 삼한 소국의 성격및 삼국의 국가형성 양상을 더욱 체계적으로 파악할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다.

This article was written in an effort to activate the complementary research on the history of literature and archaeology. The researcher reviewed the latest research results on the prime town of SamHan and the early Capital of the Three States. According to the recent research results, the hierarchical structure of the settlements in the middle and late period of the Bronze Age was divided into three layers, and the settlements had been grouped into one unit. This assembly of settlement group is compared to the aggregation of town and villages[邑落] of SamHan period, the small-country[小國] of SamHan was formed based on that of settlement group. The loop ditch settlement of Pungnap Fortress site and Wudu-dong site of Chuncheon city are presumed to be the prime-town of small-country of SamHan, while Misari site of Hanam city is believed to be the central town of the aggregation of town and villages. The similar equipment and the square loop ditch of the political hub in Wudu-dong site was also found at Misari site. This aspect suggests that the primetown of Small-country of SamHan was established through a quantitative integration of the central town of the aggregation of town and villages, and that the views of both sides were not clearly distinguished. On this note, the author of SanGuozhi /三國志 described both the prime-town of small-country and the central town of the aggregation of town and villages as ‘Town[邑]’. On the other hand, there were palace, a memorial equipment equivalent to the royal ancestral shrine, a warehouse, and a jail in the political centers of Goguryeo and Buyeo in the mid-third century. On this note, the author of SanGuozhi described the political centers of Goguryeo and Buyeo as ‘Capital[都]’ by analogy with the figure of the capital city of the Chinese state. It is believed that the early Capital of the Three States was established not by the quantitative integration of the prime-town of SamHan, but by the qualitative transformation, because it had a political landscape which was clearly distinguished from the prime-town of SamHan. Goguryeo and Buyeo in the mid-third century had the state system that was clearly distinguished from the Small-country of SamHan, and both states are believed to have a landscape of the capital city based on that. According to current research, Baekje also expanded its territory and organized its tax collecting system in the first half of the fourth century, and it is believed that the loop ditch fortifications of Pungnap Fortress was remodeled into a gigantic earthen wall. A new ruling power, that was clearly distinguished from the leader of aggregation of town and villages, had also emerged in Silla from the last period of the Proto-Three States, and it is assumed that the primetown of Saro-guk[斯盧國] was converted into the early capital of Silla by these power. As mentioned above, while the prime-town of the small-country of SamHan was established through the quantitative integration of the central town of the aggregation of town and villages, the early Capital of the Three States was established through the qualitative transformation of the prime-town of SamHan. If we analyze on the historical materials and archaeological sites related to the prime-town of SamHan and the early Capital of the Three States from various angles with these points in mind, we will be able to understand the characteristics of the small-country of SamHan and the state formation of the Three Kingdoms more systematically.