초록 열기/닫기 버튼

고구려가 넓은 영토를 통치하고, 중국왕조와의 대결에서 승리를 거둘 수 있었던 배경에는 중앙과 지방을 잇는 교통로와 관리기구의 정비가 있었다. 이 실례를 고구려 西邊을 오가던 경로와 여기에 마련되었던 관리기구에서 살펴볼 수 있다. 요서횡단로는 서부 국경선의 武厲城을 기점으로 동쪽으로 遼河를 건너 遼東城에 이르는 노선이었다. 그 기점과 종점이 모두 ‘城’으로 편제되었다는 점에서 성은 이 노선의 교통체계에서 주요한 기구였다. 요동성은 그 城主가 褥薩이었다는 점에서 이 노선의 首府였다. 반면 무려성은 서변의 최전방에 세워진 거점으로 군사기지로서의 성격과 국경 출입을 관할하는 關門이었다. 거의 400여 리에 달했던 이 노선을 이어준 것은 驛과 烽燧·邏·戍의 기구였다. 10여 곳으로 추정되는 역은 사절의 왕래를 위한 편의를 제공하였을 뿐 아니라 幹線에 마련된 통신체계의 하나이기도 하였다. 요하를 도하하는 경로에서 확인되는 烽燧線도 이와 짝하여 운용되었다. 라는 요하의 도하지점에 설치되어, 오가는 이들을 검문하여 통행의 여부를 판정하였던 기구였다. 요서횡단로에는 적어도 3곳 이상의 라가 마련되었던 것으로 보인다. 라와 함께 출입자의 왕래를 통제하고 감시하는 역할을 담당했던 곳이 戍였다. 史料上 처음 찾아진 기구로 소규모 성곽에 의지하여 수비군이 주둔했던 시설로 보인다.

One of the factors that helped Koguryeo to rule over a vast territory and claim victory in the hegemonic competition with Chinese dynasty was the improvement of the traffic routes and administrative bodies that linked the capital city and provinces. This example can be seen in the paths that led to the western frontiers of Koguryeo and in administrative bodies that were established there. The Liaoxi crossroad started from the Muryeoseong Fortress(武厲城) in the western frontier, crossed the Liao River to the east and led to the Liaodongseong Fortress(遼東城). The fortress seems to have played a key role in the traffic system of that route in that both its start and end were incorporated into 'fortress'(城). Liaodongseong Fortress was the headquarters of that route in that its commander was Yoksal (褥薩; provincial administrator). On the other hand, the Muryeoseong Fortress had the characteristics of a military base as a stronghold at the forefront of the western frontier and a gateway to control border access. The approximately 500 Ri(里, or 200 km)-long route was maintained by bodies such as Yeok(驛; the relay station for post horses), Bongsu(烽燧; beacon fire station), Ra(邏; patrol station) and Su(戍; border guard station). It is estimated that there were approximately ten Yeoks. The Yeoks provided conveniences for the traveling of ambassadors and worked as a communication system established on the main line. Beacon fire line that was found on the route across the Liao River was operated along with Yeok. Ra, which was established at the crossing point of the Liao River, was a body that checked passers-by to determine whether or not to allow the passage. At least three or more Ras seem to have been established on the Liaoxi crossroad. It was Su that was in charge of controlling and monitoring the passage of passers-by together with Ra. Su is a body that was first found in historical records, and it seems to be a facility where defenders were stationed on a small fortress.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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요서횡단로 the LiaoXi Crossroad, 요하 연변 교통로와 관리기구 Traffic route along the Liao River and its administrative bodies, 遼東城 the Liaodongseong Fortress, 驛 Yeok(the relay station for post horses), 烽燧 Bongsu(beacon fire station), 邏 Ra(patrol station that determined whether or not to allow the passage of people at the crossing point of a river)