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종교개혁은 구원에 관한 교리의 개혁이면서 동시에 교회의 개혁이었다. 왜냐하면 교회과 성도의 구원은 결코 분리될 수 없는 관계에 있기 때문이다. 그리고 교회 개혁의 핵심에는 직분의 개혁이 있었다. 개혁자들은 초대교회를 지나 중세교회를 거치면서 확립된 교회와 교회의 직분에 대한 로마 카톨릭의 전통이 성경에서 심각하게 이탈하였다고 보고 이를 개혁하기 위한 작업에 착수했다. 교회의 가시적인 모습에 교회의 본질을 두는 로마 카톨릭 교회론에 반하여 교회의 무형성을 강조했던 루터는 교회의 직제를 강조하지는않았지만 그렇다고 무시한 것도 아니다. 만인제사장 교리를 통해 잘 드러나는 루터의 직분에 대한 이해는 비록 성숙된 모습은 아니지만 개신교 직제론의 기초가 되었다. 루터보다 조금 늦게 개혁에 동참했던 쯔빙글리는 재세례파를 논박하면서 직제론을 전개했다. 비록 초기 형태이기는 하지만 그는 장로들이 다스리는 교회정치체제를 처음으로 도입했다. 하지만 장로를 교회의독립된 항존직으로 여기지는 않았다. 루터와 쯔빙글리는 공히 구제의 기능을 집사직에 두기 보다는 시정부의 역할에 맡겼다. 하지만 개혁파 직제론의골격은 이룬 사람은 부처였다. 그는 교회의 직분을 목사, 교사, 장로, 집사로구분하였는데, 이 사중직제론은 개혁파 직제론의 가장 큰 특징이라 할 수있다. 이와 같은 부처의 직제론은 칼빈에게서 더욱 정교화 되었고, 구체화되었다. 특히 목사와 교사를 구분하여 실천하였고, 구제를 담당하는 집사직에 대해서 강조했다. 이러한 개혁파 교회의 직제론은 스코틀랜드에서 장로교회의 원리로 강화되어 등장했다. 존 낙스에게서 시작된 스코틀랜드 교회의 직분 개혁은 17세기에 이르러 장로회주의로 완성되었다. 뿐만 아니라 개혁파 정통주의 시대에 이르러 교회의 정치체제에 따라 조금씩 차이는 있지만, 대체적으로 개혁파의 사중직제론이 유지되었으나 목사와 교사의 구분이 약해지고, 다른 직분들이 목사직을 돕는 역할로 수렴되는 현상을 발견하게 된다.

The Reformation is the movement pursuing not only the reform of the doc-trines concerning salvation, but also of the church, since the church and salvation is inseparable. And it was Reformers who thought that at the core of the reform of the church was that of church offices. They were convinced that Roman Catholic understanding of church offices, which were estab-lished throughout the early and medieval churches, deviated seriously from the principle of the Bible, and thus set out on the work renewing it. Luther, over against Roman Catholic church that put much stress on the visibility of the church, emphasized her invisibility, but it cannot be said that he ignored the roles of church offices within the church. Luther’s view on church offices, based on his doctrine of the priesthood of all believers, though not fully mature form, became a foundation for the Protestant under-standing of church offices. While fighting with Anabaptists, Zwingli, who participated in the Reformation a little bit later than Luther, could develope his view of church offices. He introduced into the Protestant church a in-cipient form of church polity in which elders ruled over a church, but he did not regarded the office of the elder as a permanent office in the church. Both Luther and Zwingli did attribute the ministry of diakonia to a civil government rather than to the office of deacon of church. It was Bucer who built up the frame of the Reformed doctrine of church offices uponthe foundation laid by his predecessors like Luther and Zwingli. He sug-gested the system of fourfold ecclesiastical office, which is one of the dis-tinctive marks of Reformed ecclesiology: pastor, teacher, elder, and deacon. This system, initiated by Bucer, was elaborated and fully applied by Calvin in the Genevan churches. Calvin not only made a distinction between the offices of pastor in theory, but also implement the office of teacher in his church, which had not been practiced by Bucer. Particularly, he emphasized the role of deacons charged with the ministry of diakonia more than any other his predecessors. Such Reformed view of church office was reinforced to be a principle of Presbyterian church in Scotland. The reform of the church office in Scotland, initiated by John Knox, developed and con-summated in the seventtenth-century Scottish Presbyterianism. In addition, we can also observe the similar fourfold office system in the churches of Reformed orthodox period, though slightly different from among the churches according to both the countries where churches were and church polity each church adopted. Generally in most of Reformed churches in the seventeenth century was found the fourfold office system, but it is also concluded that the distinction between the offices of pastor and teacher be-came obscure and even incorporated into the office of pastor in the late seventeenth- and early eighteenth centuries.