초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper compares functions and aspects of questioning in Arabic native speaker's argumentative discourse the questioning in native Korean speaker's discourse, using interactional sociolinguistic theory. This study has found a several implications through this discourse analysis. First, questioning in the Arabic argumentative discourse, like in the Korean speaker's discourse, was utilized as macro-strategy that introduced super ordinate and sub-ordinate topics and adjusted order of the discourse. Second, the two languages also employed micro-strategies in the interactive aspects and in the non-interactive aspects of questioning. In the interactive aspects, 'checking', 'requesting explanation', 'refuting', 'expressing opinions' were used. And 'gaining time' function was employed in the non-Interactive aspects. Also, ‘agreement’ and ‘calling attention’ function were adopted in the Korean speaker's discourse and in the Arabic speaker's discourse respectively. Third, Arabic interrogative sentences were delivered with low-pitched voice except in 'checking' and 'requesting explanation', while Korean speakers make high-pitched voice. Fourth, there were differences in idiomatic question expressions between Korean and Arabic. Finally, Arabic native speakers showed various nonverbal communication strategies and were active in keeping up appearances in the argumentative situation.