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기독교 선교의 양대 진영이라 할 수 있는 WCC(세계교회협의회)와 복음주의 진영인 로잔은 본래 세계 선교에 대하여 대조적인 관점을 지녀 왔는데, 2천 년대에 들어서는 상당히 공통된 경향을 나타내 보이고 있다. 본 연구는 선교의 양대 진영 중 특별히 로잔운동의 선교 경향을 분석하면서 로잔운동이 앞으로 어떤 방향으로 선교를 수행할 때 위기에 처한 기독교의 세계 선교를 위해 기여할 수 있을지를 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 로잔 운동 40여 년의 역사를 3 시기 즉 1) 태동기, 2) 고민기, 3) 총체적 접근기로 나누어서 살피면서 역사적 흐름에 나타난 특징을 분석하여 보았다. 그 특징을 간단히 말하자면 로잔은 태동기에 지녔던 복음전도의 우선성과 긴급성을 상실하고 선교의 목표에 모든 것을 동일한 중요도로 포함하는 통전적 선교신학을 추구하면서 에큐메니칼 진영의 신학과 별반 차이가 없는 성향을 보인다는 점이었다. 로잔이 이처럼 WCC를 계속 추종할 때 나타날 수 있는 모습은 이미 에큐메니칼 신학에서 나타난 바와 같이 복음전도의 약화를 가져오고 이것은 결국 교회의 약화로 이어질 가능성이 높다. 따라서 로잔은 복음전도에 역점을 두고, 명확한 선교 개념을 정립하고, 선교에 있어서 우선순위를 정립하고, 세계 선교 운동을 위한 전략 정보 센터의 기능을 수행할 때 세계 선교를 위해 기여할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.

The Lausanne movement was born out of a sense of crisis that the missionary movement that was centering on evangelism was seriously undermined. Born in this concern of world evangelization, the names of Lausanne are The International Congress on World Evangelization or Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization. Both names appear for the purpose of world evangelization. In other words, the identity and core task that Lausanne movement can never yield is world evangelization. That is why the two major agents of mission, WCC and Lausanne, originally showed different concerns in their mission. However, since 2000, the two have revealed almost similar tendencies. From that time, the Lausanne movement has followed the World Council of Churches (WCC) by conceding the priority of evangelism and prioritizing a humanitarian or Shalom aspect of missions. The WCC will be able to contribute some of the world's shalom. As a result, this movement is almost ignoring the most important beginning of world transformation ― evangelism itself. The churches that accept the WCC theology are getting weaker and weaker. This will make it impossible for the church to work for the world, and the WCC, which operates with the support of the churches, will also weaken. This paper will investigate the traits of the Lausanne movement and provide some suggestions on how it can contribute to the development of world mission. For this purpose, I divided the 40-year history of the Lausanne movement into 3 periods: 1) its birth, 2) its time of wonder, 3) its integration period. This paper analyzes the traits that are appearing in the flow. The evolution as follow: Lausanne gradually has lost the primacy and urgency of evangelism and become similar to WCC pursuing the holistic mission theology. If the Lausanne movement keeps pursuing the direction of WCC, it will lose all of its original enthusiasm for evangelism, resulting in the loss of Christianity's core mission effectiveness. This paper suggests the Lausanne movement refocus on evangelism, rebuild a clear concept of mission, recapture the primacy of evangelism, and become a center of information for world evangelization. This might be the best contribution of Lausanne for world mission. Of course, the Lausanne movement is already embracing a holistic view of mission and is moving forward with the view that it is the best alternative. However, mission should contribute to building a strong church. After the death of the church, mission itself cannot be discussed. Established churches, even if they consider all things holistically, still need to prioritize evangelism. The movement originally started by claiming this and should rethink their commitments.