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본 연구는 미디어를 통한 역사 재현에서 나타나는 현대의 사회문화적 맥락과 이데올로기를 고찰한다.이를 위해 2010년대에 ‘사도세자’라는 역사적 소재를 드라마와 영화로 각각 재현한 드라마 <비밀의 문>과 영화 <사도>에 대한 비교 분석을 실시했다. 분석 방법은 서사구조, 계열체 분석, 행위주 분석과 담론 분석을 적용했고, 각각의 작품이 표출하고 있는 심층 의미와 이데올로기를 파악했다. 분석 결과, 드라마 <비밀의문>은 사회 개혁, 전복, 저항 이데올로기를 강조하고, 심층적으로는 영웅주의, 유교적민본주의, 충효 사상 등 지배 이데올로기를 내재하며, 가족 유대 이데올로기를 강화하고 있음을 발견했다. 반면 영화 <사도>는 사회에 대한 저항과 순응 이데올로기가 공존하고, 심층적으로는 유교적 숭문주의, 가부장주의, 서열주의 등의 지배 이데올로기에 대한 강력한 저항 이데올로기가 내재하며, 가족 유대 이데올로기를 파기하고 있음이발견되었다. 두 작품 모두 ‘사도세자’라는 역사적 소재를 채택하며 표면적으로는 저항적 의미를 표출하고 있으나, 심층적으로는 다소 상이한 의미를 내포하고 있다. 이는역사재현이 단순히 역사적 사실 자체를 원형대로 재현하는 것이 아니라 재현 당시의사회문화적 맥락을 반영하여 재구성되며, 특정한 이데올로기들을 내포한다는 것을 함의한다.

The purpose of this study was to find out societal and cultural implication of historical representation in media. There have been frequent attempts to represent historical events in image media such as films and TV dramas, and occasionally same events have been repeatedly represented in different genres or even in same genres. This study focused on the point that historical dramas intended to depict not only historical facts themselves but specific view point from each work. This study conducted a comparative study of a Korean TV drama The Secret Door and a film The Throne, both of which were released in 2010s, representing a same historical event; known as the most tragic conflict which King Yeongjo killed his own son, Crown Prince Sado, in Joseon Dynasty. It applied semiotic and discourse analyses for each of work to figure out their societal and cultural meanings. As a result of this study, it could be said that The Secret Door represented the resistant meaning against the corrupt hierarchy politically, while The Throne showed the resistance against main with power and the dominated social values. Meanwhile, The Secret Door represented the inherence of dominant values such as Confucianism, Familism and Heroism, whereas The Throne showed the doubt about dominant values such as Confucianism, learning supremacy and Patriarchy which were forced to follow by society and power. That is to say, political and familial problems were separated in The Secret Door, so resistant meaning was limited to political points. However, social and familial problems were not separated in The Throne, so the resistance was valid to both of points. It concluded that each historical representation could reflect current societal and cultural contexts in which they were produced, and it could be represented in various ways depending on each perspective. Perspectives on history could not be fixed but have been changed.