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This paper examined the research methodology of the historical science of Joseon of the 1930’s with focus on the method of understanding historical materialism, perception of development opportunities, and strategies for combining historical materialism with the study of the history of Joseon. Earlier studies paid attention to the two research trends, i.e. the theory of the universality of the world history and the theory of Asian specificity within historical science, but specific analysis of the theoretical backgrounds of the two trends and the method of connecting them to the history of Joseon was lacking. Advocates of the theory of the universality of the world history interpreted historical materialism from the monistic viewpoint, while criticizing theories and descriptions that emphasize the inferiority of Joseon. They considered primitive communism-slavery-feudalism-capitalistic society as the common development path of world history, and placed emphasis on national opportunities in historical development especially under the influence of the nationalistic viewpoint. To prove it, they adopted the method of comparing Joseon with various countries around the world. It was a precursor to the Joseon history perception system, i.e. the history of Joseon developed along the same path as the world history. Advocates of the theory of Asian specificity classify countries around the world according to the current level of their production capacity, and interpreted historical materialism from the pluralistic viewpoint. They agreed that there were only four types of production in history, but they believed that each stage can be omitted and modified depending on various conditions. Their perception of the uneven development of the world history led them to pay attention to the international opportunities in historical development. To prove it, they classify the Asian society as a separate form of development, and put Joseon into this category. As the difference from the West was highlighted, the historical perception trying to find the cause of backwardness came into being.