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This article aims to examine Vere Gordon Childe's early life, Chile (1892-1957) was a Sydney born archaeologist who conducted his research in the UK. It has been known that he adopted the historical materialism for revealing the general evolutionary process of the human history from 1935 when he visited the USSR. Childe carried out his study for revealing the diffusion of the cultural traits from the Orient to the prehistoric Europe before 1935. However, he became a socialist and was political activists in his Oxford years (1914-1917). Because of his experiences of a conscientious objector during WWI, he could not continue his academic carrier as an archaeologists in Australia (1917-1921) after his returning from 1917, and became a politician belonging to Australian Labour Party. After he was fired in New South Wales Agent-General's Office in London, Childe returned to the achaeological research field. Although he did not do political activities from 1922 to 1935, Childe began to adopt historical materialism in his research in 1930, and attacked Kossina-type cultural historical approach based on racialism since 1933 when Nazi held political power in Germany as a prehistorian on the basis of his socialism formed in his early life.