초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This research focuses on the background, development and consequence of the conception of police neutralization around the Second Republic. Syngman Rhee regime appropriated police as its ‘house soldier’. Police fortified political surveillance and election interference. To prevent these activities, Democratic Party conceived the conception of police neutralization. It concluded establishment of public safety commission and constitutional guarantee of police neutralization. It was proliferated by election pledge and constitutional amendment draft of Democratic Party. As a result, public opinion headed to police neutralization after the April Revolution. It was reflected in ‘Second Republic Constitution’. Huh Chung Interim Government accepted police neutralization as its task. However, it accepted advices U.S recommended, too. Main objective of U.S was transforming police into non-political, efficient and respected organization. Chang Myon regime also promised police neutralization. Nevertheless, the regime insisted majority of public safety commission. It became main cause for miscarrying of police neutralization legalization.