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This study collected consumers evaluations about restaurant quality using Big Data and analyzed the brand personality by contents analysis of consumers' reviews, and then examined the difference according to the type of industry and commercial area. The data used in the analysis were based on 40,405 restaurants and 3,158,623 reviews collected from China's largest restaurant evaluation site Dianping.com. The brand personality was measured using the brand personality measurement items extended through WordNet. The analysis was done using reliability analysis, and correlation analysis were conducted to verify reliability and validity, and ten a difference analysis was performed. The results of this study are as follows: First, brand personality is different according to the type of industry. Second, brand personality is different according to region. Third, service quality is different according to the type of industry , And fourth, service quality varies according to the region. The limitation of this study is that it is not easy to compare the results of this study with previous studies because it is difficult to collect demographic information due to the nature of the survey through Big Data. Therefore, in future research, it is necessary to provide demographic information from restaurant evaluation companies and analyze them together.