초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper investigates the use of address terms and reference terms within a family. This study was conducted based on the questionnaire result targeting 4,000 people in 17 administrative areas across the country. Our research focused on investigating whether the use of terms that has been recommended in <The Standard Manners of Language Use>(2011) corresponded to the actual use in Korean contemporary language life and determining how to resolve potential problems caused by inappropriate use of the terms. The result of current study revealed that there were a number of differences between the suggested terms in <The Standard Manners of Language Use>(2011) and the actual use of the terms in contemporary Korean. The difficulty in the use of address terms and reference terms within a family was largely due to its complicate system of kinship terms and the social change from patriarchal society. This study also reveals that sexually discriminated titles for husband's and wife's family need to be reformed to avoid potential problems.