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The problem of “Defectors from N. Korea (so-called “Talbook-ja” in S. Korea today)” has been received attention in the international society, especially in S. Korea today. It has been viewed as a “Refugee” problem or the output by system competition between the two Koreas. Actually, This problem has stood out rapidly since the collapse of “the Cold war system”. So, It may be able to recognise as a “Refugee” problem of international society. But we should have in mind that “Talbook-ja” often used as a political material in S. Korea since raised “the Cold war system”. Moreover, It means the movement from North to South existed not only during the Cold war age but before then. And ultimately, for these movers has condensed the reality of divided Korean peninsula, we could think that the prototype of “Talbook-ja” has already existed in the age of liberated Korea before “the Cold war system” had begun in earnest. However, In the age of liberated Korea, The U.S. and U.S.S.R. had established military government in South and North Korea. Nevertheless, We can hardly find out the view of Korean society that North and South are different nations. Because Korean Society had “One Korea” recognition at that time. So this paper should check that the presence of the political view on these movers in the age of liberated Korea and why “Talbook-ja” has become a political material. The contemplation about the process of shaping the “Refugee” in the age of liberated Korea could be the first step of grasp the root about “Talbook-ja” recognition.