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This paper clarifies that, “Cinema 57”, a research and production group of experimental movies that was active in the late 1950s, was influenced in any way from the amateur movie of the time in terms of the expression technique exploration that discloses the creator’s existence in the movie. In the amateur movie circle, which gradually recovered the boom before, those who made high quality movies that attracted attention from young film director at that time, such as Hani Susumu and Teshigahara Hiroshi. “Cinema 57” belonging to Hani and Teshigahara, criticized such a movie and pointed out that amateurs are subject to great restrictions in terms of finance and action at the time of production compared to professional, and that’s why the familiar materials and events, so they also pointed out that movies that will delve the fmiliar ivents will be prolific. “Cinema 57” focuses on the fact that the way of making a movie like expressing the relationship between the camera and the subject, especially with families and friends events, and that “Cinema 57” sought for the expression of “the eye of the author”. The search for movie expressions that disclose the existence of filmmakers to audiences as the beginning of the activity of the new wave of Japan (Nouvelle Vague) developed around how to express the “subject” of the film director.