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The purpose of this paper is to suggest a way to get students to engage more actively in writing tasks and thus help them to improve their writing ability. Writing is important in learning L2 because it plays an important role in the internalization of linguistic knowledge learned in the classroom. However, unlike speaking, writing has to be learned as Lenneberg (1967) once noted that writing ability does not develop naturally while speaking ability does. Therefore, language teachers need to provide environment supporting student's learning writing. To this end, teachers should choose topics that reflect students' interest and foster their engagement. It is also necessary to use authentic writing tasks and develop an intrinsic motivation to write. Considering all these essentials in teaching writing, this paper will show music videos make useful materials for teaching writing. Music videos provide visual and auditory stimuli, which are powerful enough to catch and hold students’attention. In addition, it will be shown that using music videos in teaching writing can create a classroom where students have opportunities to use English meaningfully to communicate their own ideas and opinions. In spite of these characteristics of music videos as an excellent aid to teaching, they did not get much attention in L2 teaching. Moreover, using them in teaching 'writing' has yet to be reported in L2 research literature. By drawing attention to music videos as a useful material for teaching writing, this paper hopes to contribute to the establishment of a teaching model that nurtures students' writing ability.