초록 열기/닫기 버튼
The study investigated the differential effects of focus-on-form approaches in terms of input-based and output-based instructions on the learning of target grammar features, as well as how the approaches differed according to the learners' levels of proficiency in the target forms. A total of 47 first-year students from a middle school were randomly assigned to two experimental groups. The first group received input processing (IP) instruction while the other group received output-based (OB) instruction and was asked to use the target forms to complete assigned communicative tasks. Each treatment was offered for 10 weeks. The students' proficiency levels were grouped into two main levels based on their responses to a pretest of the target features. The findings showed that both approaches had no significant difference and had helped the students develop the target forms. But, the students with higher proficiency levels in OB instruction had outperformed, especially on the production test, their counterparts who had received IP instruction, indicating that the instructional effects could vary according to the proficiency levels.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
grammar instruction, focus-on-form approach, input-based instruction, output-based instruction, grammar knowledge