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The purpose of this study is to investigate secondary EFL teachers’ previous training experiences and their needs for training with respect to language assessment literacy in Korea. Data were collected from a questionnaire distributed to 51 secondary EFL teachers in Korea, and follow-up interviews were conducted to further examine Korean secondary EFL teachers’ perceptions and experiences regarding language assessment training. The survey questions were based on a similar study of foreign language teacher assessment literacy done by Vogt and Tsagari (2014) that sought to examine participants’ previous experiences with receiving training regarding language assessment, as well as their perceived needs for additional training in that field. The results of the survey show a lack of training in language assessment literacy and a strong need for training in practical areas of language assessment and performance tests. Analysis of the follow-up interviews emphasizes EFL teachers’ discontent with their in-service training in language assessment and their strategies for compensating for their lack of practical assessment skills. The findings show a common understanding of the need for training in language assessment among secondary EFL teachers to maintain and enhance the quality of their language assessment practices.