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식민지 ‘최고학부’의 졸업자였던 경성제대 출신 마르크스주의자는 경성제대의 학문적 영향권 아래 있던 인물들이기 때문에 학문형성사의 관점에서 다뤄지거나, 또는 1930년대 중반 이후 조선공산당재건운동과 같은 조직운동에 관계했기 때문에 사회운동사 차원에서 주목받았다. 그러나 이 논문은 오히려 이 시기 이들이 펼치고자 했던 활동이 연구자로서 정체성을 간직한 채, 학문을 통해 전체 운동에 기여하겠다는 학술문화운동이었다는 문제의식에서 출발했다. 경성제대 출신 마르크스주의자의 학술문화운동은 세 가지 단계로 전개되었다. 첫째, 학내에 이론연구조직 경제연구회를 만들고 1929년 일본행을 통해 학술문화운동의 방법론을 접한 시기. 둘째, 법문학부1기생이 주축이 된 신흥에 참여하는 한편, 조선과학을 별도로 발행함으로써 노농계급의 주체화, 이론적 진전을 위해 노력했던 시기.마지막으로 조선사회사정연구소를 조직해 자료 수집과 제공, 정세분석 등을 통해 사회운동의 과학화에 주력한 시기였다. 이상은 당시 마르크스주의 지식인 사이에서 전개된 학술문화운동 중 조선의 실천적 학문을 건설하겠다는 ‘과학적 조선학’ 수립론과 달리, 학문적 실천을 지향한 프롤레타리아문화운동의 성격을 띤 것이었다. 그러나 일제의 탄압으로 조선사회사정연구소가 해체되면서 이들의 학술문화운동은 더 이상 공개적으로 진행되기 어려웠다. 또한 식민지 현실에서 연구자로서 진로에 대한 고민이 쌓여, 경성제대 출신 마르크스주의자는 조선의 학문 건설을 위한 길과 조선공산당재건운동과 결합한 비공개 문화투쟁의 길을 선택하게 되었다.

As the Marxists, who graduated from Kyungseong(Keizo) Imperial University, the best university during the colonial days, were under the academic influence of Kyungseong(Keizo) Imperial University, they were dealt with from the viewpoint of the history of the formation of academics, or as they were involved in the organized movement like the Joseon Communist Party Reconstruction Movement since the mid-1930’s, they received attention from the viewpoint of the history of social movements. But rather this paper started from the awareness that the movement, which they were involved in at that time, was an academic and cultural movement with the intention of contributing to all movements through academics while retaining their identity as researchers. The academic and cultural movement of the Marxists who graduated from Kyungseong(Keizo) Imperial University was deployed in three stages. First, they formed a theory research organization on campus, i.e. the Economic Research Society, and they were exposed to the methodology of the academic and cultural movement in Japan in 1929. Second, they participated in Shinheung, in which the pioneer class of the Department of Law and Literature played a pivotal role, and published Joseon Science in an effort to subjectivate the working class, and make theoretical progress. Lastly, they organized the Joseon Society Research Institute, and collected and provided data, and analyzed the political situation for the scientification of social movements. Unlike the ‘Scientific Joseon Studies’ which intended to create practical academics in Joseon, among the academic and cultural movements which captivated the then Marxists, it was more of the Proletarian Cultural Movement which pursued academic practice. As the Joseon Society Research Institute disintegrated under Japanese oppression, however, their academic and cultural movement could hardly make any public advance. Also, as they had to think about their career as researchers in the Japanese colonial era, the Marxists who graduated from Kyungseong(Keizo) Imperial University had to choose between construction of academics in Joseon and the clandestine Kulturkampf combined with the Joseon Communist Party Reconstruction Movement.