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본 연구는 지속가능발전교육의 의미를 이해하고, 지속가능발전 유아교육을 실시함에 있어서 옛이야기그림책의교육적 역할을 살펴보는 데 목적을 두고 있다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 UN의 ‘2030 지속가능 개발 어젠다’를 비롯하여 2016년 우리나라에서 지속가능발전목표(SDGs)가 발효되기까지의 과정을 알아보고, 지속가능발전유아교육의현재 상황을 살펴보았다. 나아가 우리나라 옛이야기 속에 담긴 지속가능발전 유아교육의 의미를 밝히고자, 옛이야기그림책에 나타난 비판적·배려적 사고를 살펴보고, 상호협력적 의사결정과 창의적 문제해결과정을 찾아보며, 우리나라 전통문화적 생활양식 속에 함의된 미래 삶의 지속가능성을 검토하였다. 결론적으로 옛이야기그림책은 글과 그림을 기조로 한 유아들을 위한 도서이자, 우리나라 전통 사회·문화의 면면 속에 함축된 인간 삶의 다양성과미래 삶을 위한 지속가능발전유아교육의 의미를 함의한 교육자료로서 교육현장에 공헌할 수 있음이 확인되었다.

The purpose of this study is to examine the cultural characteristics and values implied in Korean folk tale picture books with sustainable developmental viewpoints. In detail, the Korean traditional cultural traits described in stories and illustrations of young children’s books are investigated, and those sustainable developmental values and educational meanings for early childhood education are discovered. Korean folk tale picture books can be used as the ways in which the young encounter sustainable developmental situations. Those books show how characters (including children) think about and understand the world and life styles. Stories and pictures are the key sources of the images, vocabularies, attitudes, structures, and explanations we need to contemplate experiences; because when directed to children they are often bound up with education of one kind or another, stories and pictures can be important carriers of information about changes in culture, present and past. As well as material inheritances, such as Korean traditional costume, food, and housing form, Korean folk tale picture books are treasure to entail creative problem solving and decision making process of mutual cooperation, and sustainable development of traditional values to future lives. In conclusion, Korean young children, reading Korean folk tale picture books, are expected to appreciate literary lyricism, understand and experience sustainable values of traditional culture for future lives, with critical and caring thinking methods, creative problem solving and democratic decision making process, etc. Teachers in early childhood education classrooms can select and apply these books as educational materials for sustainable development related to Nuri-curriculum.