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본 연구는 한국어 학술 논문 텍스트의 특성을 관련 텍스트의 표지를 통해 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 논증적 텍스트와 관련 있는 인문사회 분야 학술 논문 텍스트로 말뭉치 자료로 구축하고 이를 다시 어절 단위로 나누어 한국어 텍스트 특성 분석에 사용하였다. 본고의 분석 자료는 여러 학술 논문 중 인문사회 분야 석사 논문으로 한정하고자 한다. 학술 논문은 세부 전공 영역별로 그 구조와 문체적인 특질이 다르므로 각 전공 영역별로 분석이 이루어져야 하지만 이 연구는 그 시작으로 인문사회 분야의 논문들만을 대상으로 삼고자 한다. 다수의 논문에서 뽑은 학술 논문 텍스트의 표지 형식들은 학생들에게 보고서와 같은 학문적 텍스트의 구조를 이해하게 해 줄 것이다. 연구 방법으로 인문사회 분야 학술 논문 텍스트 서론의 구조적 특징을 찾기 위해 10편의 논문을 말뭉치로 구축하고 이를 한마루 검색 프로그램을 사용하여 어절 단위로 분석하였다. 국립국어원에서 21세기 세종계획 말뭉치 활용을 위해 개발한 한마루 검색 프로그램으로 먼저 어절 단위의 고빈도 어절을 추출하였고 이 고빈도 어절들을 이용하여 글의 구조를 나타내는 학술적 텍스트의 담화적 특징을 가진 표지를 찾고자 하였다.

This purpose of this study was to explore typical text style of thesis in Korean. In this study, two sections were discussed from the typical text style of thesis in Korean called ‘structure’ formation which has a semantic element and text contents. The phrase unit which consists of text structure is part of the formation element in text and this was used for analysis on language style in Korean. Analysis on language style in Korean may be taken as component in writing education. Data analysis used for this study is limited to master´s thesis of humanities and social science field. Although it is obvious that structure and writing style are different in major fields of the scientific treatise, this study is only intend for humanities and social science area. Even though thesis discussed in this study may not be representative master´s thesis, text style of thesis in Korean extracted from majority of thesis are well enough for foreign students to understand Korean sentence structure. This will assist foreign students to develop their capabilities in studying Korean by academic reading, writing and speaking. Hanmaru search program was chosen to discover writing style from introduction parts of 10 scientific treatises as research method. Hanmaru search program was developed by National Institute of the Korean Language, NIKL in order to use corpus, and we extract the most frequently used phrases from this program. These phrases were used to find markers which have distinct features of scientific text which shows the structure of the sentence. Based on these findings, we tried to analyze on practical scientific treatise.

This purpose of this study was to explore typical text style of thesis in Korean. In this study, two sections were discussed from the typical text style of thesis in Korean called ‘structure’ formation which has a semantic element and text contents. The phrase unit which consists of text structure is part of the formation element in text and this was used for analysis on language style in Korean. Analysis on language style in Korean may be taken as component in writing education.  Data analysis used for this study is limited to master´s thesis of humanities and social science field. Although it is obvious that structure and writing style are different in major fields of the scientific treatise, this study is only intend for humanities and social science area. Even though thesis discussed in this study may not be representative master´s thesis, text style of thesis in Korean extracted from majority of thesis are well enough for foreign students to understand Korean sentence structure. This will assist foreign students to develop their capabilities in studying Korean by academic reading, writing and speaking.  Hanmaru search program was chosen to discover writing style from introduction parts of 10 scientific treatises as research method. Hanmaru search program was developed by National Institute of the Korean Language, NIKL in order to use corpus, and we extract the most frequently used phrases from this program. These phrases were used to find markers which have distinct features of scientific text which shows the structure of the sentence. Based on these findings, we tried to analyze on practical scientific treatise.