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냉전시대의 고정된 영토를 가진 전통적 안보위협이었던 적대국가와 달리 전 세계를 넘나드는 안보위협을 초국가적안보위협세력이라고 한다. 죽음을 불사하는 테러리즘을 대표적인 모습으로 하는 이들 초국가적안보위협세력은 냉전시대와는 차원이 다르게 전개되고 따라서 국가안보사범의 양태도 크게 달라졌다. 물론 우리의 경우에는 북한과의 전쟁에 대한 예지력 발휘는 정보기구의 중요한 임무이다. 동시에 형사법적 범죄를 구성하는 초국가적 세력을 상대로 하는 범죄와의 전투도 수행해야 한다. 정보와 수사가 결합한 대공수사권이 대표적이다. 그에 더하여 글로벌 안보동향은 국가정보, 범죄수사력(치안력)그리고 국방안보의 중심인 군사력의 운용과 전개에도 주권국가의 변화된 인식을 요청한다. 이에 본고는 직접적인 테러공격을 당한 미국의 경험을 바탕으로 정보와 수사의 올바른 방향성에 대해 살펴봄으로써 주권국가의 자주적 독립을 위한 정보공동체 개혁에 대한 법 정책적 함의를 제시하고자 한다.

The end of the Cold War has changed the nature of the threats to sovereign states’s security. No longer are national security risks exclusively or predominantly military in nature. Nowadays, not only traditional national security crimes but also so called supra-national security threats like terrorism, international organized crime, cyber security and weapons of mass destruction(WMD) proliferation pose realistic and direct threats to the national security. Newly arising law enforcement issues concerning to the national security problems has changed not only the policy discourse, but it also has changed the exercise of public power. Most of them are increasingly defining their security interests more in terms of crimefighting than in terms of warfighting, and more in terms of deterring law evasions than in terms of deterring military invasions. From these point of views, this Article examines four categories of national security crimes treason, espionage, sabotage, terrorism and the applicable statutes available to combat these threats and examines how the coercive apparatus of the state has been reconfigured and redeployed. Generally investigating against national security crimes are called counter-communism investigation in Korea what gives the state a vital edge in securing freedom and security which are facing some of the most difficult problems we face in the midst of so called supra-national security threats era. Specifically, this thesis traces the growing fusion between law enforcement and national security missions, institutions, strategies, and technologies. This thesis explores the consequences of these changes and argue that these changes reflect both a militarization of policing and a domestication of soldiering. And finally this thesis emphasizes that one of the most important blurring of traditional boundaries occurring in the post Cold War era is that between an internally oriented domestic police sphere and an externally oriented military sphere. For protecting national security from the attack of national security crimes offender including communism power, it requires a mixed power of foreign and domestic intelligence and a wide corporation with foreign intelligence services and intelligence, investigation mixed from intelligence gathering to investigating crimes. Despite of all hot debates about the various legality and human rights issues derived from counter-communism investigation, this article emphases and makes suggestion to rebuild the whole National Intelligence machinery of the Republic of Korea. This Article aims to providing an extensive typology of all the offenses that fall under the rubric of national security crime.