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This study examines Emmunuel Levinas' political thoughts focusing on the concept of utopia. Levinas discussed politics in his later writings on Talmudic readings and Judaism, with Israel as a real state in mind. Rather than following a discussion of Western political philosophy, he sought the biblical understanding of ethical possibilities and political possibilities, and set utopia as its final goal. The characteristic of Levinas' utopian argument is that he attempted to escape the place of residence, the community, and the nation from territory by thinking the ethical as the political allowing the political is realizing, not placing the ethical under the political. This study will examine how Levinas transform the relationship between ethics and politics in Western philosophy in order to unfold the place-less community and the politics of utopia. And we will look at the difference between the Greek and the biblical understanding on politics. And then, we will look at the difference between the community of friendship and the community of brotherhood. Finally, we will examine the political effects of utopia as a place-less community.