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The objective of this study is to identify the main issues that limited the success of the government plan to modernize traditional retail in Morocco. To achieve the objective, a sample of 80 owners of independent grocery stores was used. The SPSS statistical software was used to analyze data and identify major issues. According to results of the study, the government plan’s limited success is resulted from implemented strategies that did not match the socio-cultural reality and did not meet the present needs of independent grocery stores owners. And owners of independent groceries did not understand all the benefit of being part of a franchise system. On the contrary, many owners view the franchise system as a form of exploitation by the franchisor that would hurt their independence and autonomy. To remedy this situation, the study suggests establishing cooperatives and associations of small grocery stores as an optimal channel through which the government could restructure and modernize this sector in Morocco. Synergy and dynamics should be created between independent store owners, associations and the government to provide optimal support.