초록 열기/닫기 버튼

The former studies insisted that the grounds of Budler’s Korean Neutralism were prevention from military conflict between China and Japan, and exalitation of German dignity in Korea. But Budler judged that the war between China and Japan was likely to break out. In this circumstances he prepared a written advice for the Neutralism of Korea. Budler took the place of Möllendorff, who was absent in Seoul, and made the Korean Neutralism as an objective European adviser. Möllendorff established Belgium as example of Neutralism for Korea, but Budler proposed Swiss. Budler prepared the Korean Neutralism not for the German national interest, but for the Korean national security and development. Comparatively speaking Yu Kil-chun’s Korean Neutralism, which was made in December 1885, Budler’s Neutralism exert a big influence upon the politic in Korea. When the Russian-Japanese War broke out in 1904, Gojung declared the Neutrality of Korea, which was originated from Budler’s Neutralism.