초록 열기/닫기 버튼

한글 자모의 명칭인 ‘기역(其役), 니은(尼隱), 디귿(池*末), 리을(梨乙), 미음(眉音), 비읍(非邑), 시옷(時*衣), 이응(異凝)’은 『훈몽자회』의 권두에 부재된 「언문자모」에서 처음으로 나타난다. 『훈몽자회』에서는 「언문자모」란 제목 다음에 “俗所謂反切二十七字”라는 부제를 붙여 ‘諺文字母’, 즉 한글을 反切로 보고 있다. 이 논문은 이러한 ‘反切’의 기원과 발달, 그리고 이것이 우리에게 전수된 과정을 살펴보았다. 그리하여 중국에서의 한자음 표음 방법이던 반절은 古代인도의 半字論에서 왔으며 毘伽羅論의 음운연구 방법에 의거한 것임을 밝히고자 한 것이다. 그리고 조선의 韻書에서도 이 반절을 문자화하여 훈민정음, 또는 정음으로 한자음을 표음하였기 때문에 反切은 바로 이런 명칭의 새 문자를 의미한다고 주장한 것이다.

Fănqie (反切) is a way of segmenting the pronunciation of each Chinese character into an onset and a rhyme, while using other easier Chinese characters to represent it. The pronunciation [dong] of the character 東, for instance, is represented as 德紅切, meaning that its onset is pronounced [d], the initial sound the character 德, and its rhyme matches [ong], the rhyming part of the character 紅. The phonetic transcription of Chinese characters mainly followed this method of fănqie. Eonmun, that is, original Hangul, syllable characters were also treated as in the way of fănqie, as stated in Eonmunjamo (「諺文字母」) that appeared in the preface of Hunmong-Jahoi (『訓蒙字會』). This paper deals with the origin and development of fănqie (反切) and its transmission to Korea. It claims that fănqie originated from the half-character theory (半字論) of ancient India and that it was based on the method of the phonological study of Vyākaraṇa (毘伽羅論). The Vyākaraṇa theory was introduced to China under the name of Shèngmíngjìlun (聲明記論) in the course of introducing Buddhist sutra to China and translating them into Chinese during the period of the Late Han(漢) dynasty. The paper concludes that the so-called 27 fănqie (反切) character set referring to the Eonmun-Jamo of Hunmong-Jahoi consists of a set of 16 syllable-initial consonants and a set of 11 syllable-central vowels as each syllable character composition is dissected. This dissection, however, totally differs from the original use of fănqie (反切) for Chinese characters. The composition of Hunmin-Jeongeum, the original Hangul character set, was based on a set of 27 consonants which were autonomous characters of their own phonemic values contributing to the generation of syllable characters as onset characters. And this character set consisted of (1) a set of 17 initial or onset consonant characters, (2) a set of 6 double consonant characters (雙書字: ㄲ, ㄸ, ㅃ, ㅆ, ㅉ, ㆅ), and a set of 4 labial light (or fricative) consonant characters (脣輕音: ㅸ, ㆄ, ㅹ, ㅱ).