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Turpan area has a lot of desert terrain and lots of historical monuments related with the culture of Silk Road. It was selected as a UNESCO cultural heritage city. There are two sites of heritage in Turpan these are castle of Gao-chang and Jiao-he. There is also many natural landscapes with many historical sites. Many tourists consider it one of the places to visit among the Chinese Silk roads. In addition the tourism developments in Turpan are booming as the Chinese government pursues the New Silk Road policy. In this paper, I organized the development and tourism pattern of Turpan historical areas in China. The restoration work of historic sites is being vigorously carried out in Turpan. It is following the Chinese government's guidelines. It is to be trying to restore the monument in its desired direction and then forces it to the tourists. It is aimed at emphasizing Chinese cultural influences and not stressing local Uyghurs’ culture and history. So this is a slogan aimed at developing Turpan's economic development, but it has to be also linked to historical distortions. Tourism is also being followed by the government's directions. To this end, the travel department introduced a bundle of admission. It made a limited tour of tourists who usually travel on a daily basis. This hinders the understanding of historical sites in Turpan Tours related with Islamic culture and Uyghurs’ history. It also leads to tourism in other ways than historical sites. In fact, the famous tourist guide also emphasizes vineyards and Huo-Yan_Shan(火焰山) climbing rather than historical sites. The highlights of the history of the tour guide are also related to irrigation canals(Karez). These movements are widespread in the same context, not only in this area but also in the other boroughs or in the minority areas. This is related to the implementation of China's powerful ethnic policies. Further reviews can confirm how the Chinese government's distortion of history is being pursued by the tourism industry.