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Modern Classroom Education faces many unprecedented challenges and opportunities as a result of rapid developments in digital communication technologies since the birth of the Internet in the early 1990s. Since that time, the generation of students known as "Digital Natives" have been born into a world where desktop and home computers are commonplace. Furthermore, video games are available in homes as well as arcades and mobile phones are becoming ubiquitous. As a consequence, for the first time in history, children have access to electronic devices which they can explore and interact with, sharing their experiences and problems with their peers. From the year 2016, world community began to use the term “4th Industrial Revolution.” Under this futuristic environment, human needs to get used to learn HA-BRID, which are Humanity oriented Artificial intelligence – Biotechnology, Robots, Information technology and Design. Future generation would live with these new concepts all around the life. It is the time to transform the education at the school to adapt the coming situation in proactive manner. This paper examines the impact of digital technologies along with HA-BRID in mind on teaching roles and practices in the classroom. Suggestion would illustrate how the concept of "Gamification" can provide a modern day solution to traditional teaching practices as a new way of transition aiming for the 4th Industrial society to come.