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路寒袖(1958~ )早期以中文創作現代詩,但他在文學上跨領域、跨語言、跨媒介的表現,讓文學傳播更多元化。由於路寒袖的詩風多顯示於東方的禪詩,所以路寒袖也不諱言他詩歌創作的泉源多來自童年生活,尤其是祖母對他的人生影響巨大。另外在詩人內心世界裡奔湧而情感的表現,以高度的詩語來呈現浪漫主義,也就是說,充滿了一種浪漫的熱情。本文將置重點於二00五年出版的路寒袖中文詩集≪我的父親是火車司機≫爲其主要探討對象,將從透過他的童年生活的親情、追求自己的浪漫理想中勾勒出一個可能的輪廓,更進一步了解其詩風童年內心的獨白,和尋找浪漫理想的追求和嚮往,二個層面來提出論述。

Earlier on, Lu Han-Hsiu (1958~ ) wrote modern poetry in Chinese, but his work crossed into different fields, languages, and media, diversifying literature. Because Lu’s poetry style often resembles that of eastern Buddhist poetry, he did not deny drawing inspiration mostly from his childhood experiences and the tremendous impact his grandmother has had on his life. Surging emotions within the poet’s heart emerge as brilliant poetic language speaking of romanticism, with words full of an idealistic passion. This paper will focus on My Father is a Train Driver, a collection of poems by Lu published in 2005. A possible outline will be drawn from his childhood family relationships and pursuit of ideals. The discourse will be provided on two levels, further revealing the poems’ childhood inner monologues and the quest and yearning to fulfill ideals.