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This essay deals with Lee Seung Hee s national movement. He was born in 1847 in the Confucian scholar family. He took methodical study about Confucianism that led him to the national movement. Also his movement was based upon the theory of Anti-Western Culture. The national movement was developed to make public appeals for Anti-Japan, presented a public appeals about Anti-Western culture, the campaign for a national debt redemption, and developed private diplomacy struggle until his asylum. His national movement was developed to set wholesome Confucianism atmosphere in Korea for popular stability, and to keep the sovereignty by diplomacy struggle. Lee Seung Hee sought asylum to Russia in 1907 after Emperor Gojong was abdicated by Imperialistic Japan. He met Lee Sang Sul who was a secret envoy for the Hague convention in Vladivostok. They discussed method of the national movement. Lee Seung Hee thought method of the national movement and built national movement bases in overseas country by Anti-Western culture. His purpose was the reconstruction of the Korean empire government. He moved to Andong and continued the national movement with the Beijing general Kongjiaohui. He thought the Beijing general Kongjiaohui united as an ideological and political pivot for Koreans in China. But He didn't totally accepted K'ang Yu-Wei's Grand-Unity. Because it had many differences with orgin-Confucianism. Also Lee Seung Hee wanted to develop center of the Beijing general Kongjiaohui in Andong with origin-Confucianism. Lee Seung Hee's national movement was finished by his death in 1916. However his national movement was continued by Confucian scholars in Sungju whom he had contacted during his asylum. And they developed his national movement to the 3.1 independence movement in 1919 and the independence declaration movement in the Versailles Peace Conference.